Safety in the workplace, throughout an enterprise and in its products and services is not only a legal and moral requirement but it makes excellent business sense. The systems and discipline required to maintain safety throughout an enterprise are the very same as those required to ensure operational excellence. There is a very high correlation between safe enterprises and operationally effective and efficient ones. Lack of safety is a waste that should be eliminated with all the rigour that other operational wastes are tackled. Furthermore the 2005 safety, health and welfare at work act requires that every organisation have a safety management system in place, have a written safety statement and have carried out a hazard analysis and risk assessment.
Safety Engineering
For more complex projects and systems where safety is a mission critical issue, Niallo Carroll can assist in the application of Safety Engineering which is a systems approach to minimising risk of loss in an enterprise and its products or services. This approach goes beyond the conventional reliability engineering techniques such as FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) , FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) etc. It takes a top down view which helps capture the interdependencies and increased complexity inherent in modern products and organisations. This approach helps early and complete identification of hazards allowing the timely adoption of avoidance, mitigation and defence strategies.